Success in network marketing can be achieved by anybody, provided that they are willing to follow a proven recipe. Yes, there is always a need for a positive, goal oriented mindset but that is never enough in this industry.
One of the best network marketing tips that I have ever received came to me from a successful, charismatic mentor that I've had the great pleasure to learn from. He has taught me that once a proper mindset is achieved, you need to take massive action. This may be a no brainer, but you might be surprised at how many people believe that all they have to do is visualize their success and believe in it, and eventually their dreams will come true.
The recipe that has been proven to create tremendous success in network marketing is based on showing your business model to enough people, period. You have probably heard that this is a numbers game, and this theory is all about the numbers.
Using the example of a company with a binary compensation plan, the numbers below will help you to achieve the success in network marketing that may have eluded you in the past.
One of the best network marketing tips that I have ever received came to me from a successful, charismatic mentor that I've had the great pleasure to learn from. He has taught me that once a proper mindset is achieved, you need to take massive action. This may be a no brainer, but you might be surprised at how many people believe that all they have to do is visualize their success and believe in it, and eventually their dreams will come true.
The recipe that has been proven to create tremendous success in network marketing is based on showing your business model to enough people, period. You have probably heard that this is a numbers game, and this theory is all about the numbers.
Using the example of a company with a binary compensation plan, the numbers below will help you to achieve the success in network marketing that may have eluded you in the past.
- Show your network marketing opportunity to 200 people. This can be accomplished by holding group meetings, doing one on one presentations in person, or using the phone and the internet to present your information.
- Out of the 200, an average of 40 people will join you in business. Naturally, you will have to have great tools that will help your prospects see the value in what you are offering them, and a powerful business opportunity.
- Place 20 people on your right leg, and 20 people on your left leg. This will give your team a balance that is important to have in a binary compensation plan.
- From each team of 20, 5 to 6 people will become team players. These are the people who will tap in to company and team trainings, gather other distributors and customers, and create decent incomes for themselves.
- Out of each group of 5 to 6, 1 to 2 will become superstars.Your superstars are the people who will take what you hand them and run with it, regardless of whether you even work your own business. They will create tremendous incomes for themselves, which will in turn help you to build wealth.
Kathy Jodrey is a work from home mom who enjoys the flexibility, time freedom, and income offered by the network marketing industry. She's been able to combine her passion for the health and wellness industry with a home based business that offers others the chance to improve their health, achieve a better lifestyle, reach their optimal weight, and create wealth for themselves and their families. If you would like to learn how you can join her in business and receive free mentoring and coaching, please Click Here.
Article Source:, You Can learn how to succeed in Networking from Edmark International. To view How to succeed, Please CLICK HERE
I like how you showed that marketing is often a numbers game. A certain percentage will always join and see you out through the end. I can use this for my business that helps Hebrew tutors online
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