Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Success In Network Marketing - The Real Secret

For finding true success in network marketing- which means creating steady, passive, walk-away income- and a significant downline takes more than many people think. Here's why: so often when people get involved marketing online and attempting to expand the reach of their business they forget what it was really about in the first place: people.
It wasn't long ago I gave someone the book by Robert Kiyosaki- "The Business For People Who Like Helping Other People"; which is of course about the MLM industry. Because success in network marketing involves connecting with other people and helping them achieve their goals as well. It is so easy to get focused on your own goals, desires and needs though isn't it? Especially around the holidays. But that's what separates this business- and the people who thrive in it-from any other.
PPC, solo ads, Ezines, Craigslist, social media, content marketing, videos -all these are effective ways to drive traffic but none of them mean squat unless you are able to connect with folks who want to listen to what you have to say. So why would they listen? If you can help them! This is why success in network marketing is so opposite of what we are taught daily about success and what it takes to win. Think about it: you don't win by making the most sales. That's affiliate marketing. You win by helping other people win.
What Success In Network Marketing Is Not
Now none of this is to discourage you from marketing online -in fact if anything it should only reinforce your efforts. However, there is a saying "Keep the main thing the main thing ", and this is simply my point: people - and there success need to be one priority in this business- not so many of the accoutrement's.
So how do you help others find success in network marketing when you're just starting out yourself? Tell your story! When you simplify it, this is simply what you're taught to do offline-only your reach can be much further using the Internet. Connecting with people successfully requires a few things:
1) being relatable-or having something in common
2) providing value
People want to deal with people that can help them or offer them something of value-this is the case in all areas of life. So when you're marketing your business offline-while your company or opportunity is often the solution, online it can be a little different. Here's why: many people you will encounter - particularly in the social networking arena -are already involved with a company they love. So telling them your opportunity is better is simply not going to cut it. For creating success in network marketing in this area-one has to be able to offer something else then. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd.
How do you accomplish this? Become an expert at something of value- then you have the ability to pass it on to others so that they might benefit from it as well. Do you think someone that has benefited from something you've put together is going to remember you? Of course! Sometimes it is necessary in this industry to give before you receive. Now remember you don't have to be the world's greatest expert on any of these subjects-you just need to know a little more than someone else in order to teach it to them. If you want to quickly find success in network marketing, this is the way to accomplish it.
A couple of things one might set out to learn something about:
Either of the 2 types of marketing-
1) Interruption marketing- when you're looking for a subject and another one pops up and completely distracts you and you view it.
2) Search marketing-when someone is searching for something in particular, in a field you know something about. This person is much more prepared to buy and thus a better possible customer or partner.
Now, the second is far more effective -so how do you get more people to find you in search marketing? This involves pay-per-click, of course, but if you're determined to do this without spending any money you could use something like ViralURL, Listbuilders, or content marketing.

-Keyword research. This is definitely vital to finding success in network marketing online-and you can find more on that at the link below.
The following is a site constructed to combine both online marketing, affiliate marketing and offering training for offline marketing. It is for people who truly want to jump start their business in the new year and take it to the next level. You can find that site here at MLMOnlineSuccess.
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